Spenden für ein Stück Land

Und die Vorderseite vor uns ist eine weitere große Step-Kaufobjekt, wo wir gerne warme Häuser für gerettete Tierfreunde bauen würden. Geben Sie mit einer Spende in Höhe von 10 Euro den geretteten Tieren ein Stück Land und öffnen Sie ein Puzzle, das Ihr Stück gespendetes Land symbolisieren wird. Vor uns wird eine schöne Illustration von Vesna Kitthya aus Nikas Kind Dorf eröffnet. Gemeinsam werden wir 3000 Rätsel öffnen und mit eurer Hilfe werden wir dieses Land, das für immer ihr Zuhause werden, in die Luft stellen. Wir werden sie zu einem guten Leben machen, und sie werden die Stimme aller lautlosen Tiere sein, die von Menschen gefoltert und getötet werden.

3000 Rätsel warten darauf, “geöffnet” zu werden:)

When you were quite small, it was certainly one of the most beautiful moments when mom just finished reading the Grimmove fairy by saying, “and they lived happily ever after.” A fairy tale that has always begun with a sad introduction and continued with the cruel and heart of a mating core has always ended with a happy ending. And you are peacefully asleep, knowing that evil is also defeated this time and that good then live in paradise on Earth.

Well, so is it with all of the residents of the Nikaś Kind village. The fairytale “happy Ending” is past, evil and cruel experience is over. At that moment, when they stepped on the surface of the Nika´s Kind village, the fairy would be happily closed. But what Grimm brothers did not tell you is that after the “Happy End” life just isn’t as easy and still requires your efforts. It is necessary to ensure that the animals we have shared with evil destiny are required to provide a conscious home.

And so, despite the great responsibilities, we decided to buy a property where the animals finally have their own calm and happy home. So at that moment, we are inviting everyone who can help them with this great project. This is not an easy thing, because a half of the payment for a sanctuary we intend to obtain through donations. To this end, we have created a puzzle that is completely white at this moment because the image is upside down. Each puzzla represents €10 and for each donation in this value, we will turn one Puzzel. Thus, the picture-illustration of the nikine-friendly village-will be increasingly visible, and we all will know exactly where we are on our way. To know how big and cutting the project goes, we tell you that on our year and a half long journey we will need to turn the 3000 puzzles so that we can make our furry and feathered friends a happy news message.

Therefore, we invite you to become part of this story and provide us with donations and sharing our posts. Donations can be transferred to TRR, and the “Piece of Earth” is to be put on the end. Gleichzeitig kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter unserer E-Mail-Adresse botrstvo@nikina-prijazna-vas.si Ihren Namen und Nachnamen oder Alias.

Alle Namen werden auf dem Schoßeingetragen, die wir auf das Anwesen legen werden, und ein Zeichen der Dankbarkeit an all jene, die unseren Bewohnern die Träume erfüllen werden, von denen alle Tiere träumen.

TRR: SI56 6100 0001 9069 383 Referenz: SI00 0055, Zweckcode: Char

Paypal: nika@nikina-prijazna-vas.si Annotation: Spende für ein Stück Land

Schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail an: botrstvo@nikina-prijazna-vas.si Ihren Namen und Nachnamen des Alias, den Sie auf der Thanksgiving-Charta schreiben möchten

Mittwochs und sonntags öffnen wir das Puzzle:) Wir freuen uns auf das Unendliche!

Current opening oh follow on Facebook page Nikina Nice to you.


? ? ✉ ️ Gift Puzli ✉ ️ ? ?

Why buy useless and pointless gifts if you can buy something that matter a lot. And yet, some of you want to donate something, and that’s often the people we’ve always known. After all these years, we’ve bought them all that had a sense, but they don’t really need anything, they don’t want anything special (well maybe just what a holiday in Bali ? ).
If you want to give a gift and it’s someone who likes animals ? Then we have a solution for you. You can donate for a “piece of land” inin their name. We will send you a GIFT CARD on which your name will be written and the name of the donor, which will become one of the donors of Nikine-friendly village with the help of your gift.
We believe that there are many people, that will love that kind of a gift. For true animal lovers, there is no more beautiful feeling than being able to help one animal creature.
A solution that will make your friend happy and all of the animals that live in Nika´s Kind village… and of course you, as we rid you of the difficult tasks of shopping for gifts… and after all, the planet Earth. ?
