Become the Guardian to rescued animals

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Nika´s Kind Village

Our project is based on raising awareness of the relationship between people and animals. Our goal is also to increase the sense of responsibility for and connection to the environment, and to educate children and adults on healthy plant nutrition. So far, there are a few animal “missionaries” living on the farm: the cow Mama and her calf Nika, the piglets Pepa and Rozi, two mini goats, Tina and Srečka, the turtles Hilda and Pink, and the two kittens Poldi and Nezika.

All breeding animals were rescued from being taken to slaughterhouses or were saved from neglected rearing. You can read
more about them here.

Here’s the description of the purpose of our project:
The world as it is, and life on it, is worth more than gold, so we have to work together for a better tomorrow, for everyone.
The project breathes in the spirit of establishing a better world, which is a very broad concept and we are aware of the dimensions of our vision. And yet, we are optimistic, and we believe that with small steps we can achieve our mission.

We achieve our goals by:

  • Raising awareness of the impact of a healthy diet in kindergarden, where we do cooking workshops, mingle and talk with young people about the values that are so self-explanatory – clear water, clean air, domestic food …
  • Raising awareness of today’s unnecessarily high plastic consumption, which affects the future of our beautiful planet,
  • We discuss the exploitation of people and animals, which lead to the consumeristic society of today, and the ways this can be avoided, because the change always begins within ourselves,
  • Appearance at fairs and culinary events, where we present a simple and tasty plant-based diet; We show people that any kind of food can be tasty, we just need to know how to prepare it right or make it look interesting.
  • We always point out the injustice whenever humans take control over nature and animals, because we strongly believe it we humans have no right to do so. And that is why we think that the so-called use of animals for the purpose of satisfying our human desires is not necessary and also not fair.

All the projects that we carry out and all of our work have a common belief: that the vegan way of life is the only right way and the most advanced way of living.

Residents of Nika´s Kind Village:




Srečo (Lucky)



The best present you can give is helping with that gift



We prepare a donor contract with the company, otherwise you can donate.
Institute Nika˙s Kind Village, centre for Awareness and protection of animals, Radenci, Gregorčičeva 40, 9252 Radenci, IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 9069 383, SWIFT: HDELSI22 Purpose: CHAR, reference: 00 11, ID No. .: 8181438000 *, tax No: 93021453 * * (we are not taxable person)
GSM: Mirjana Mulec (+386 (0) 41 462 992) Tamara Zupe (+386 (0) 31 654 499)
Other aid options: Paypall: · Become a sponsor for €1 per week or transfer any donations.

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Book Stories from Nikine-friendly villages

The book translates into German (will soon be issued) and English language and is written with a font that is suitable for people with dyslexia.

Apprehended in the hand of a book that reflects warmth already on sight, will make for each reader a tremendous delight. Written with Love, which, as a gold thread, is drawn through the content of true stories, will offer the reader the pleasure and approach the world of animal beings, which the people of good heart saved by the atrocious of fate.


I want to order a book of stories from Nikine-friendly villages

12 + 4 =

Part of Nikine’s friendly village is also a nikina cooking room that combines generations and connects different periods and takes them together as a whole in a harmonious and condensed story of joy, love and joy. Več …


Knjiga Zgodbe iz Nikine Prijazne vasi

Knjiga Zgodbe iz Nikine Prijazne vasi

Prijeti v roko knjigo, ki odseva toplino že na pogled, bo za vsakega bralca izjemen užitek. Napisana z ljubeznijo, ki se kot zlata nit vleče skozi vsebino resničnih zgodb, bo bralcu nudila užitek in približala svet živalskih bitij, ki so jih ljudje dobrega srca rešili...

Vse za dom in osebno higieno

Vse za dom in osebno higieno

Če želite čistejše okolje in prevzeti skrb za okolje vas bo zagotovo pritegnila trgovina Eco Green Apple, ki se nahaja na naslovu Zrkovska 46B, 2000 Maribor. Tu boste našli od izdelkov za osebno higieno do čistil in vse za dom. Trgovina ponuja ekološke detergente na...



Vegrač – Znameniti vegrač Nikine KUHALICE

Vegrač – Znameniti vegrač Nikine KUHALICE

Tudi v letošnjem letu smo se udeležili "Bogračijade". Seveda smo kuhali Vegrač in skupaj z Društvom za zaščito živali Pomurja, nam je zelo dobro uspelo. Skuhali smo 2 kotla, torej 40 litrov Vegrača, ki so ga obiskovalci razgrabili v pičlih 20 minutah. Obenem pa ves...

Čokoladni sladoled

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Potrebujemo: • 2 večji banani • 2 žlici kakava • agavin sirup ali katerokoli drugo sladilo • nekaj naribane temne čokolade za posip Postopek: Banane narežemo na kolobarje in zamrznemo. V zamrzovalniku naj bodo vsaj eno uro. Sadje damo v mešalnik, dodamo kakav ter...

We run workshops and lectures around schools and engage in various culinary events.

If you would like a lecture on the theme of the kitchen of the future whose slogan is Love of life, send us a message.

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